How Home Care Provider overcome legal obstacles with timely legal assistance

Case Overview 

  • One of our clients dedicated to providing comprehensive aged care services, applied to become an approved provider of Home Care services. 
  • Faced initial rejection by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) for approval as a Home Care provider. 

Legal Issue Faced 

Our firm was entrusted with the task of representing the provider in a reconsideration process. The ACQSC’s initial rejection stemmed from concerns regarding three crucial aspects outlined in the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissions Act 2018 (Vic). These concerns, specifically addressed in sections 63D(3)(b), (c), and (d) of the Act, revolved around: 

  • Understanding of Responsibilities: Did the provider clearly and demonstrably grasp the specific duties and obligations associated with being a Home Care provider? This included not just regulatory compliance but also a deep understanding of the quality and safety standards expected in-home care services. 
  • Effective Systems: Were there adequate systems in place to ensure the provider could fulfil its responsibilities as a Home Care provider? This encompassed everything from client care protocols to staff training programs. 
  • Financial Management: As evidenced by its records, did the provider possess sound financial management practices and a history of responsible financial stewardship? They examined the company’s financial records and questioned its ability to manage and allocate resources efficiently, which is crucial for sustainable service delivery in aged care. 

Our Legal Solutions 

Faced with these objections, our client sought our legal expertise. Our approach involved addressing each of the ACQSC’s concerns with a strategic and comprehensive response. 

Recognising the significance of the ACQSC’s concerns, we recommended the client to engage in a consultant specifying in aged care compliance. With this proper consultation, our client developed ISO 9000 robust and compliant policies, procedures, and ancillary documentation. By aligning with the ISO 9000 quality management framework, the client significantly enhanced its operational systems. 

With these newly established and demonstrably compliant systems in place, we thoroughly reviewed the ACQSC’s decision. This allowed us to craft a comprehensive submission for reconsideration. In court, our arguments meticulously addressed each area of concern raised by the ACQSC. We focused on sections 63, 63D (2), and 63D (3) of the Act, demonstrating how the provider not only understood its responsibilities but also possessed the infrastructure and financial stability to fulfil them effectively. 


The meticulous preparation and compelling arguments outlined in our submission proved persuasive. A delegate of the Commissioner, upon careful examination of our arguments and provider’s improved practices, overturned the initial rejection. This pivotal moment marked a turning point – the ACQSC set aside the decision to refuse our client’s application and substituted a new decision, granting our client their coveted approval as a Home Care provider under section 74L(2)(c) of the Act. 

Key Takeaways 

Through our strategic efforts, we achieved a significant turnaround: 

  • Approval Granted: The Commissioner’s delegate reviewed our submissions and overturned the initial refusal decision. 
  • Regulatory Compliance: Our client is recognised as a suitable provider, and its updated policies and procedures meet regulatory standards. 

  • Timeline: The reconsideration process successfully concluded within a reasonable timeframe, ensuring minimal disruption to our client’s operations. 


This case underscores the importance of understanding regulatory expectations and having robust systems in place. Through strategic legal guidance and a commitment to excellence, our client transformed a challenging situation into a successful expansion opportunity, setting a new standard for compliance and service quality in the aged care sector. 

If you’re facing legal hurdles similar to what our client experienced, don’t wait for solutions to come to you. Reach out to us!

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